Senior Research Scientist @ Samsung AI Centre, Cambridge

E-mail: dali.academic(at)
Google Scholar

Da Li is a Senior Research Scientist within the Machine Learning and Data Intelligence group in Samsung AI Centre Cambridge, and also a Visiting Scholar at Machine Intelligence Research group of the University of Edinburgh.

  • **Note** Previous 'PACS' google drive link has expired due to google's security update. The download link is updated now.
  • [05/2024] One paper about federated learning among heterogenous clients is accepted in ICML 2024!
  • [01/2024] Our intern's work about "a hierarchical NAS for few shot learning" got accepted in ICLR 2024 as Oral!
  • [09/2023] Our intern's work "Better Practice DA" got Best Paper Award in AutoML 2023!

Recent highlights

Neural Fine-tuning Search for Few-shot Learning
P Eustratiadis, Ł Dudziak, D Li, T Hospedales
Accepted in ICLR 2024 as Oral

Better Practices for Domain Adaptation
L Ericsson, D Li, T Hospedales
Accepted in AutoML 2023 winning a Best Paper Award

Reviewers: BMVC, CVPR, NeurIPS, ICML, TPAMI, JMLR, Machine Learning.

Senior Program Committee (SPC): AAAI 2022.